Saturday, June 1, 2024

DeBugging and Error Handling in Python

Been a busy week outside of class this week, which made processing this week's module on DeBugging and Error Handling more challenging. I entered this Module feeling overwhelmed with just the concept of DeBugging Python. But as I worked through the exercises and reading, I realized that I already have experience implementing some of the practices with debugging from editing PHP scripts for AARoads. That and the textbook Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro continues to be straightforward with good example blocks of code.

This week we also gain more experience with creating program flowcharts. The try-except expression is the focus of this week's final Lab assignment:

Python Try-Except program flowchart

The reading and Lab exercises for Module 3 provide an overview of two of three main types of errors encountered in Python programming and methods for handling them. Logic errors is the third type, and this occurs when a script runs but produced undesired results. I have encountered this on a number of occasions with testing out PHP scripts, where the webpage output the wrong data or only a portion of data. Logic errors are often difficult to parse, as they do not generate meaningful error data.

Syntax errors is the first type, and the most easy to comprehend. Syntax errors are akin to making typographical errors in writing. Mistyped variable names or functions is a common syntax error. Others relate to misplaced or missing punctuation and case sensitivity. An aspect somewhat unique to Python is indentation, where inconsistencies with spacing and the use of spaces or tabs can result in a syntax error.

A useful feature embedded within the IDLE Python interpreter is the check syntax option. Accessed by selecting Check Module from the Run menu, the feature produces a pop-up window referencing a syntax error detected and otherwise returns to the cursor if not are present.

Part 1 of the Lab exercise for Module 3 introduced us to a script with syntax errors. Correcting instances of variable names resulted in the successful output of the Python script:

Successful Python Script Output

The third main type of error in Python are exceptions. An exception is where a programming language differentiates between a normal course of events and something exceptional. When Python encounters an error in a script, it "throws" an exception, which usually means that the script stops running. If the exception object, the cause of the error, is not handled or "trapped", the script terminates with a runtime error.

Part 2 of the Lab for Module 3 included two examples of exceptions, one of which was a common syntax error. With those errors corrected, the results:

Output of corrected Python Script

With some knowledge of the main Python error types, debugging can correct or clean up bad code. Debugging is the methodological process for finding errors in a script. Basic principles of the process include carefully reviewing the content of generated error messages, adding print messages to a script, selectively commenting out code, and using a Python debugger.

There are many types of exceptions in Python which are included in the builtins module. Named exceptions are where a specific exception is referred to by name. There is also the generic exception, which is referenced as an unnamed exception. Having an idea of what type of error occurs is beneficial into correcting it.

The use of print messages, where an output is produced midway through a script just to determine if it functioned properly up to that point, is a tactic for handling unnamed exceptions. Commenting out code involves isolating a problematic line or block of code in order to determine if it affects the rest of the script from executing. I have implemented both of these methods when debugging PHP scripts for AARoads. As it stands right now, there is a problematic block of code in the current PHP that generates the live pages that I commented out until I can find a solution.

Part 3 of the Lab assignment for Module 3 focuses on the try-except statement. This method of error handling prevents a script from producing a run-time error while also reporting a meaningful error message to the user. It allows a script to continue beyond the exception and finish normally. In other words, code following the trapped error will still be executed.

The try-except statement isolates a problematic block of code between a to expression and an except expression. The Exception can be assigned to a variable e and subsequently print out to display information on the error in question:

Successful run of a two part Python Script

The flowchart at the beginning of this post illustrates the approach I made in implementing the try-except statement on the script for Part 3. While I quickly identified an error in the script, my use of the try-except statement did not produce the expected results. Instead the exception message changed from one type to another, with a remaining run-time error preventing the rest of the script from executing.

The Lab instructions mentioned modifying the script by adding try-except statements. With this in mind, I considered whether or not multiple statements were needed.

Questions to answer were, did the initial exception object in the script trigger subsequent exceptions? If so, how many additional ones, and where are they located? What ultimately worked was shifting my placement of the except statement to where it trapped all exception objects.

The wisdom gained here is to not assume that an exception object always stands independent of others. There can easily be a ripple affect with a variable omission or misspelling that continues through the rest of the script.

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